Welcome to Her Opinion

Hi there, if you don’t know me my name is Kirsten – and welcome to the first post of my blog ‘Her Opinion’.

I decided to start this blog because when I was pregnant with my son Bradley, I realised there were a lot of “truths” that weren’t being shared, and yet when I spoke about them to my other mom friends, they all knew exactly what I was talking about. This baffled me, if everyone else went through it too … then how come I didn’t know about them. For example:

  • Why wasn’t I told that I would have acne that started in my hairline and went all the way down to my butt?

  • Why didn’t they tell me that as soon as people knew I was pregnant they would immediately tell me a “birth horror story” that they knew?

  • WHY ON EARTH WASN’T I TOLD ABOUT THE HEART BURN … dear god the heart burn.

  • What about the weird unsolicited “advice” from strangers?

So through my pregnancy journey with Bradley, and his first 2.5 years I have discovered so many things that we (as a female community) should be sharing with each other – so that we don’t feel alone and also so we are prepared.

I can’t tell you how wonderful it feels to realise you aren’t alone, while you sit on the floor of your child’s room crying because it’s 3 am and he is refusing to sleep. (for the 5th night in a row) – it just makes you feel like you can get through it, because other women have.

So come here to read the uncensored truth about pregnancy, birth, motherhood and really just life in general. My hope is that through this blog I can help other women by preparing them, hearing them and making them feel like they aren’t alone.

SOOOO all of that is a long way of saying Hi I’m Kirsten and this is my blog about the crazy freaking ride that is motherhood.

Talk soon



Put your hands up if you have ever been personally victimized by a 3 year old …