Her Mission

We believe every woman deserves to feel worthy, healthy, strong and confident and invest in themselves as much as they do for others. Through our lived and professional experiences, we are deeply passionate about empowering women globally to transform their inner and outer confidence by providing the tools, skills and education to achieve this holistically.

Rather than solve a single problem such as fitness or styling, we take a big-picture view of how women - specifically how women over 40, can reclaim their lives and step into their favourite selves. Being part of countless transformation journeys is what lights us up. Seeing the results from our programs and the growth of our members is incredibly rewarding for us.

Our vision is to become a global movement. To reach out to women worldwide and offer them support, love, and acceptance, and help them achieve high energy, clarity, and enthusiasm and to bring back the joy-de-Vivre.

We want Her to walk with grace and confidence, to discover Her true self and Her SMILE, because “You’re never fully dressed without a SMILE”.